A big news for all UPSC aspirants. UPSC can deduct some marks on Mains for violation of its instructions. So refrain from writing irrelevant stuff. But this deduction is confined to GS and Essay only and not optional.
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about

Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
A big news for all UPSC aspirants. UPSC can deduct some marks on Mains for violation of its instructions. So refrain from writing irrelevant stuff. But this deduction is confined to GS and Essay only and not optional.
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf
A big news for all UPSC aspirants. UPSC can deduct some marks on Mains for violation of its instructions. So refrain from writing irrelevant stuff. But this deduction is confined to GS and Essay only and not optional.
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf
A big news for all UPSC aspirants. UPSC can deduct some marks on Mains for violation of its instructions. So refrain from writing irrelevant stuff. But this deduction is confined to GS and Essay only and not optional.
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf
Do not try to find this penalty information in your marksheet. If there would have been any deduction in your marks, only then you'll be informed about
- See more at: http://www.xaam.in/2015/11/beware-deduction-of-marks-by-upsc-on.html#sthash.XSdotBTD.dpuf

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