Sunday, 13 November 2016

Prelims Test Series 2017 Updated soon !!!!!!

  •  As i stated earlier lot of practice is needed to fulfill your dreams like achieving civil services as there is no short cuts for this examination. so you need to scale your timinigs into hours and prepare a time table so that you can achieve civil services 2017 and there should be no compromise in it. 

  • so practice all 37 years past civil services examination question papers as there is answers to that too in it and there is no strain for you to search answers as it is already included in it.

  • don't panic and keep clam as there is no time in the upcoming civil services examination 2017 and i will keep posting my available Test series papers of 2017 so that you can practice one test paper every day and keep doing it. 

  • Practicing papers will keep you aware of how questions are asked in the examinations. And as i previously told many questions had been repeated from  the old previous years question papers only. 
                 Keep practicing and stay cool....

     For Previous years prelims question papers conducted by UPSC  click here

Current Affairs - PIB October 2016 Compilation

civil services bytes - Target 2017 current affairs october 2016 compilation by PIB

click here

Instructions for UPSC Mains exam

UPSC Civil Services Mains-2016 Hallticket available here click me

  1. If any discrepancies in the admit card- bring to notice of UPSC immediately. (In CSE-2014, Some toppers’ service allocations were withheld for a few weeks just for petty issues like “fathers name written in prelim e-card but not in mains e-card and so on. So you must be vigilant about any discrepancies.)
  2. Cross out any empty spaces/pages before the QCA booklet are handed over to the invigilator.
  3. If you don’t have a clear photographs on the e-admit card, then you must bring a photo identity proof viz. Adhar Card, Driving Licence, Passport,Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs one for each session for appearing in the examination with an undertaking.
  4. You may bring Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators.
  5. Don’t bring valuable items, mobiles, gadgets in exam hall.
  6. If problem, contact Email: or its Unhelpdesk numbers: 23385271, 23098543, 23381125
  7. Important contacts of officials Directory

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Union Public Service Commission Mains 2016 E-Admit Card

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2016 e - Admit Card

Online Application Click here

UPSC ANTHROPOLOGY STRATEGY: by Kirthi Chekuri (Rank – 14, Anthro Marks 275, CSE – 2015)

Paper 1 Socio-Cultural Anthropology – Muniratnam Sir Printed material, Braintree notes
Paper 1 Physical Anthropology – Muniratnam Printed Material, Braintree and P. Nath
Paper 2 Indian Anthropology – Tribal India Nadeem Hasnain, Indian Anthropology Nadeem Hasnain, Muniratnam Printed material, Braintree
I did not cover these books from cover to cover. I’ve selectively read them based on the topics mentioned in Syllabus. I would suggest having one material/source as a base and then just extracting information/examples/case studies/diagrams regarding that topic from other books in case the content for that topic needs to be enriched.
As long as you can cover the entire syllabus, which books or how many books you follow will not make much difference in my opinion. To get that extra edge in marks, I would strongly suggest focusing on answer presentation instead of reading more and more books.
Answer Presentation
As in GS, what ultimately translates into marks is how you present your answer to the examiner. With the same content/knowledge, some would get more marks in the exam due to better presentation. The reason for my good marks in Anthropology in CSE 2014(271 marks) and CSE 2015(275 marks) is due to focus on presenting the same content or knowledge that everyone else had in a better manner.
I found this article by RajaGopal Sunkara extremely useful and I followed the tips given in the article religiously.
I’ve made the following broad changes in my answers that I think made the difference
  • Side headings: As RajaGopal opined in the above article, they give structure to your answer and makes your answer more readable, presentable and likeable. I had side heads for all the questions (10/15/20 marks)
  • Diagrams: I’ve attempted questions in the exam that had scope of diagrams/flow charts in them. That included more physical anthropology questions. And also wherever possible I drew diagrams/ figures. Try to include flow charts/ diagrams/ figures/ maps etc. in as many answers as possible. They’re sure to make your answers look better and these small incremental changes in my opinion make a huge difference in your marks.
I’ve come across this list of diagrams somewhere:
  • Case studies: In paper 2, there are many questions, which are very generic, which can be asked in GS1. To make your answers different from GS answers, a friend of mine suggested writing case studies for such questions. I’ve collected case studies for all generic topics in paper-2 and quoted them in my answer. Instead of quoting many case studies in a single sentence in your answer, I had case study as a separate side heading in the end under which I elaborated. This case study would occupy approx. 1/4th – 1/3rd of my answer.
Have case studies ready for all the generic topics in the Paper-2 so that you can readily quote them on questions on the day of exam. Also have case studies ready for all the generic questions in paper-2 from previous year chapter wise question papers. That’ll also ensure that you have structure ready for all probable questions. Case studies could be picked up from internet/ Nadeem Hasnain/ Newspaper (Vedanta POSCO for FRA)
I’ve mentioned the topics for which case studies are to be collected and some case studies in this link.
  • Examples/ Definitions/ Studies: For questions on marriage/family/kinship etc., it’s important to remember a few definitions given by famous thinkers. For questions on socio-cultural anthropology, make a note of examples of tribes you come across while reading (Law and Justice/ different types of descent groups/ Forms of exchange etc. Studies by famous anthropologist can be quoted. For eg. Paulin kolendas made some observations on Joint Family.
Incorporating all these in your answer, in my opinion, would definitely give you that extra edge. Following Chapter Wise Previous Year Question Paper is a must. I used to do all the value additions mentioned above to the previous year questions. Instead of just going through syllabus and reading books, following previous year question papers will channelize your efforts and help in making structured and enriched answers. So, instead of just reading a particular topic, doing those questions will help you make specific value additions (side heads, flow charts, diagrams, examples, case studies etc.) to the answer you’ll otherwise miss in reading.
Value additions on some questions

  1. Paleolithic Culture (10 marks, CSE-15) – Age, Culture, Geographical distribution, Tools could be side heads. Draw maps under geographical distribution and tools
  2. Longitudinal method of studying growth (10 marks, CSE-15) – value addition by drawing this graph 

  1. Horticulture (10 marks, CSE-15)- Side heads of Population density, Polity, economy, religion etc. can be used; Can draw a small map suggesting geographical distribution if you know enough tribes across India.
  1. Double descent (10 marks, CSE-14)- Examples should be given and should draw descent group; Taken from Muniratnam printed material.
  1. Archaeological Anthropology (10 marks, CSE-2015) – A basic flowchart suggesting 3 branches of Archeological anthropology and side heads such as scope, research methodology etc. can be used. Below is the flow chart taken from Muniratnam printed material. It doesn’t have to be this elaborate but any basic flow chart would do
  1. Tribe caste continuum (10 marks, CSE-2014) – Elaborating on one example, drawing a continuum with tribe at one end and caste at other with some features.
  1. Elucidate the skeletal differences between humans and chimpanzees (15 marks,CSE-14) – Can draw a table showing differences between humans and chimpanzees along with diagrams for Skeleton, Skull etc.
  1. Discuss Ageing and Senescence (20 marks, CSE-14). Describe either the biological or social theories of Ageing – A flowchart for different ageing theories and this one taken from P. Nath can be used in answer.

Case Studies
Topics in Paper-2 for which case studies could be collected
5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities and their social, political and economic status.
5.3 Panchayati raj and social change; Media and social change.
6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities – land alienation, poverty, indebtedness, low literacy, poor educational facilities, unemployment, underemployment, health and nutrition.
6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and problems of rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal populations.
7.1 Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.
7.2 Social change and contemporary tribal societies: Impact of modern democratic institutions, development programmes and welfare measures on tribals and weaker sections.
7.3 The concept of ethnicity; Ethnic conflicts and political developments; Unrest among tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism; Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India.
8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions on tribal societies.
9.1 History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans, programmes of tribal development and their implementation. The concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups), their distribution, special programmes for their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribal development.
9.2 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.
9.3 Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism, communalism, and ethnic and political movements.
Some 15/20 markers questions from 2015 paper-2 for which case studies could be elaborated.
  • Examine the social implications of media and communication technology – I’ve written the case study of Community Radio Initiative of a certain tribe in Jharkhand
  • Discuss the impact of Hinduism on the status of tribal women in Central India – case study for this could be picked from Tribal India(Nadeem Hasnain) or searched online
  • Discuss the impact of globalization on village economy in India – Impact of Monsanto and others in Indian villages and farmer suicides can be used?
  • Recently non-government organizations have been critiqued for interfering, with developmental process in tribal heartland. Critically comment.(9.1)
  • Discuss the sociocultural, economic and psychological constraints responsible for low literacy in tribal areas (6.2)

CASE STUDIES for some topics
Panchayat raj and Social Change
  • Combating the adverse CSR through Gram Sabhas” – The Bibipur Experience
A small village in the district of Haryana; Sarpanch has held the first ever Mahila Sabha on female foeticide, Women committed to the cause of the girl children have been selected as volunteers, and all pregnancies registered within the first trimester; One panchayat member and volunteer would keep a check on clinics and any case would be brought to immediate notice of police;  helped in reduction of CSR;
The real potential of Panchayati Raj as envisaged by Gandhi can be realized if the disparities and stratification systems based on class caste and gender , and the influence of the dominant castes in the working of PRIs are addressed.  
– Empowering Women. Bhuvneshwari Netam, Sarpanch, Balargaun, Chattisgarh
Netam personally address women at Anganwadi centres on matters related to maternal care,child birth, child care, breast feeding etc. Efforts to make women self sufficient in buying seeds, farming and selling the produce; Earlier villagers defecate in the open, now samuhik shauchalays built by the panchayats ( women do not suffer from the dignity) Panchayats runs schemes to enable differently abled to access financial assistance and education. Also in reclaiming land that was encroached 80 years ago converted to a community complex.  This panchayat has witnessed increased participation of women and the credit for this openness and responsibility with which women contribute is due to the Sarpanch being a woman 
  • Selfie with Daughter
Forest Rights Act
Positive case studies
Niyamgiri in Odisha- Khonds – asserted their rights to conserve culture and community traditional practises under the FRA and PESA; No bauxite mining;
Kadars in pallakad dst in Kerala – no access to tradtiional forest reserves – honey cultivators – Non implementation of FRA
Globalisation/ Christianity
It is a fact that the Nagas and certain other North-East tribes opposed very much the entry of Europeans in their areas particularly the missionaries. Today almost 95% Nagas,99% Mizos,80% Khasis,94% Garos have embraced Christianity. Have the tribals of north-east lost their identities? The answer is both yes and no. Those who embraced Christianity, they have lost their nature-centric religion, but they have gain a lot in some other way. In other words, the tribals of north-east have immensely benefited by embracing Christianity. Christian missionaries not only converted them but also set up the best English medium schools, colleges, dispensaries, hospitals and other charitable homes. The numbers of civil servants, university and college teachers, engineers, doctors etc. are increasing day by day. The Bonda tribe of Orissa till yesterday didn’t have a matriculate. Only recently the student from Bonda tribe passed matriculation compared with the number of North East tribals in universities.
Media and Social Change
Jharkhand Community Radio Initiative
Best practices
Success story of MFP activity can be used for many questions in paper-2 (Impact of govt. programs on tribals/ Discuss the nature of social change in tribal India under the impact of developmental programmes)
Some success practices in this page can be used for questions on TRIFED/ Cooperatives etc.
Case studies can also picked up from Nadeem Hasnain Tribal India


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Insights SECURE October-2016-Synopsis Compilation

Sunday, 4 September 2016

SciTech Compilation The Hindu January To August 2016

Last 25 years’ General Studies (Mains) Papers (1987 to 2011)



 This is the old pattern question papers of last 25 years GS Mains . This post is in the response of many requests from Aspirants for the old question papers useful for revision.

As i already said in preliminary exam the pattern of repeated previous year questions, this might happens in mains too. so try to do atleast past 5 years question papers..

Vajiram History and World History Handouts-3

Modern History  Download

Russian- Revolution  Download

Vajiram History and World History Handouts-2

Russian- Revolution Handout Download

Treaty Of Versailles 1919 Handout Download

Vajiram History and World History Handouts-1

French revolution Handout Download

 India after Independence - Mr. Ojha Handout Download

Topper Notes: D.Rahul Venkat (Rank 386) Ethics handwritten Notes

Topper Notes: D.Rahul Venkat (Rank 386) Anthropology part-1 handwritten Notes

Anthropology Notes Part-1 (350 Pages, 31MB)


CSE Anthropology Syllabus
Paper - I

1.1 Meaning, scope and development of Anthropology.

1.2 Relationships with other disciplines: Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Humanities.

1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance:

    Social- cultural Anthropology.
    Biological Anthropology.
    Archaeological Anthropology.
    Linguistic Anthropology.

1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man:

    Biological and Cultural factors in human evolution.

    Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre- Darwinian, Darwinian and Post-Darwinian).
    Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution).

1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Primate Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications.

1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following:

    Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Humanities.
    Homo erectus: Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus heidelbergensis), Asia (Homo erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis).
    Neanderthal Man- La-Chapelle-aux-saints (Classical type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type).
    Rhodesian man.
    Homo sapiens — Cromagnon, Grimaldi and Chancelede.

1.7 The biological basis of life: The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division.


    Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating methods.
    Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures:
        Copper-Bronze Age
        Iron Age

2.1 The Nature of Culture: The concept and characteristics of culture and civilization; Ethnocentrism vis-à-vis cultural Relativism.

2.2 The Nature of Society: Concept of Society; Society and Culture; Social Institutions; Social groups; and Social stratification.

Topper Notes: D.Rahul Venkat (Rank 386) Anthropology part-2 handwritten Notes

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Toppers Answers booklet: Tina Dabi Rank 1- General studies1 booklet1


Don't forget to share

Toppers Answers: TINA DABI AIR-1 Essay Test Paper of VISION IAS Essay 2 Test series 2015

Toppers Answers: TINA DABI AIR-1 Essay Test Paper of VISION IAS Essay Test series 2015

Vision Ias Mains 2016 Test Series

Vision Ias Mains Test Series 2016 (From Test 1 to Test 11) Download

Insight Mains test Series test 4

Insights Mains Test series 2016 Test-4 Click Here

Insight Mains test Series test 3

insights mains test series 2016 test 3 Click Here

Insight Mains test Series test 1&2

Sriram Mains Test Series Test 1 Questions with Answers

Sriram mains Test series -Test 1 Questions click here

Sriram mains Test series - Test 1 Answers click here

    These reputed institute Test series will help and guide you to build your ideas that deemed to fit in your answer writing in mains examination. so create your own ideas with the help of these test. Don't forget to share my friends :)

Sunday, 21 August 2016

TOPPERS ANSWERS BOOKLET: Shashank Tripathi Rank-5, 2015 (ESSAY)

Toppers answers booklet will fetch you an idea about the sayings and answer writing and what to highlight and what to draft etc., as such Essay is the one and only paper that will change your fate entirely in the mains as it is not a qualifying paper. so try hard on essay paper and get good marks, this will ahappens only when you start writing and draft things like Flowcharts, Diagrams, Side headings etc.,
 So keep practicing and practicing

Click Here

TOPPERS ANSWERS BOOKLET: Shashank Tripathi Rank-5, 2015

Toppers answers booklet will get you some ideas about how to portrait your answers in mains answer sheet so that they can fetch you good marks even better.

So try to get some ideas like flow charts,Diagrams,Side Headings etc., on today's issues so that you can draft a good sketch in the booklet while writing Mains this time. However you can get this by your writing skills.


Vision IAS July 2016 Current Affairs

15 plus Questions Repeated

As I said 15 plus questions repeated in  UPSC Prelims 2016 from previous years question papers of UPSC. Many questions have their prominence still  today so don't forget to practice previous years questions from day 1. Even this stategy will work for Mains directly or indirectly. So keep practicing again and again.. Till you reach your Destiny.

Topper’s Tips for UPSC Mains Answer Writing: Kirthi C, Rank – 14 – Third Attempt, General Studies Score – 417

My UPSC Journey 

I’m Kirthi Chekuri. I am fortunate enough to have cleared UPSC with 14th rank in my third attempt (CSE-2015). My ranks in previous attempts were 440 in CSE-2013 and 512 in CSE-2014. I was preparing for the exam this time while undergoing the training in academy.
I would try to tell what worked and what didn’t work for me. I hope at least someone would benefit from lessons of mistakes that I’ve committed and how I rectified them. These inputs I’m putting across were the ones I gathered over the course of 4 years from many friends and seniors in services. Thanks to all of them

I am a consistently low performer in Essay. I got 100 marks in CSE-2013 and 86 marks in CSE-2014. I lost in my second attempt due to essay. The mistakes I committed in these attempts were not to practice essays, over looking the importance of essay, thinking content in essay would automatically give marks and ignorance of what to be and what not be included in essay.
This year I got 125 which is again not a great score but it didn’t pull my rank and my chances down drastically as it happened last year. I brainstormed on many essay topics(introductions/conclusions and flow of ideas)and discussed it with my friends and asked for criticisms.
  • We should clearly mention our stand in the essay initially after the introduction
  • The essay should cover as many dimensions as possible and should have one dominant idea per paragraph
  • The thought in the essay should be as simple as possible. Kids must be able to understand your essay. I used to make essays complicated which never gave good marks
  • Choose the essay topic you’re most comfortable with. Don’t select the essay based on the perception of most written or least written topic. All that matters is how well are you able to do justice to the topic you’ve chosen
  • Your essay should have justifications supporting your stand, also include some criticisms against your stand and end in a positive/hopeful way on how things can be bettered etc.
All of us tend to overestimate our potential and tend to neglect prelims thinking Prelims marks wouldn’t count for the exam. Neglecting prelims can prove to be a very costly mistake. Many toppers in the list cleared prelims with a margin of 1-3 marks. One can understand that 1-2 questions in Prelims can make or break your dreams.
I cleared the Prelims in CSE-2013 by 4 marks. It was a close margin. I got very lucky. In CSE-2014 I cleared prelims with a comfortable margin. My reason for low performance in Prelims 2013 was minimal practice in Quant and playing safe in Paper-1. I knew 45 questions comfortably in paper-1 and I just guessed 10 more there by attempting just 55 questions. Luckily I cleared Prelims that year but after speaking to many successful people in Prelims, I realized it was a very dangerous strategy. In prelims, one should mark the questions in which one is 100% percent sure in the first round. In the second round, one should also try to attempt those questions in which one can eliminate two options. With this strategy, I comfortably cleared prelims in CSE 2014, but in this CSE 2015, I cleared prelims only by 3 marks (110)

In my first two attempts, my mains marks were marginally above the cut-off(10 marks) I cleared both the attempts only because of my interview. However this attempt, there is a drastic improvement in my mains marks. Here are the few changes I made in my Mains answer writing approach and I think they helped me enormously.
  • Diagrams: I drew a lot of diagrams. India and World Maps for geography or International Relations. Also I prepared diagrams for Geo from NCERT books which I thought I would replicate in case Geo questions come in Paper-1.
  • Side headings: In my first two attempts, my answer was just a flow of paragraphs/points or a mix of both. I realized the importance of side headings for an answer in this attempt. I included side headings in almost all the answers for paper-1,2 and 3 of GS. In paper-2 and paper-3, I used Way Forward as the last side heading for some of the answers.
  • Flow Charts: I drew flow charts in Paper-3. I got 113 marks in Paper-3 and I think flow charts have a role to play along with side headings. People who got good marks in paper-1 drew flowcharts for society questions
  • Breadth instead of Depth: Cover as many dimensions as possible in an answer rather than covering the issue in depth with quality analysis. UPSC prefers the no. of dimensions in an answer and I guess it penalizes an in-depth scholarly answer
  • Introduction: Take the key words of the question and explain them. That becomes the introduction. Eg: An introduction for a question on Cooperative Federalism would mean explaining it
Though I gathered some of these points here and there in my previous attempts, I didn’t internalize them in my preparation. I didn’t integrate them while preparing for a particular topic. This time whenever I read a topic or whenever I read a question from InsightsonIndia (I have been following answer writing challenges regularly), I give more importance to the above mentioned points- what are the side-headings I can give, how can I draw flow chart for this question, maximizing the dimensions etc. This way, I internalized this way of answer writing during my preparation for GS or Current Affairs, so I didn’t have to think afresh on the day of exam. Due to training myself well before hand, I didn’t take much time on the day of exam to draw diagrams, flow charts, side-headings etc.
One should try to attempt as many questions as you can in the GS. Unless you are absolutely clueless and can’t make an intelligent guess about what’s asked, you should not leave questions.
Please go through the question paper in first 2-3 minutes and select the questions you are good at(around 10) and attempt them first. Only then go for the other questions on which you’ll have little idea where you have to guess. In the last attempt, I started attempting questions from the beginning without going through the whole question paper and I realized I was left with all the well-known International Relations Questions in the last minute to which I couldn’t do enough justice. Do some test exams and if you’re not able to finish paper in time, you’ll have to improve speed through giving more and more tests and practicing with time limits. Ethics paper was very lengthy and many were not able to finish the paper.


UPSC prelims 2016 question paper with solutions

download here

This key is provided by Most Reputed Institute for civil services SANKAR IAS ACADEMY

Monday, 1 August 2016

Indian Economics MCQ Pdf Download – 2000 Questions

click here

 It's the last post for civil service preliminary 2016. NO new material should be studied in the last minute(before a week). so avoid any stress and leave everything behind and focus on what you studied in the period 2015-16 and revise as much you can and don't panic about what people say.

Do and Dont':
  •  AVOID stress
  • AVOID studying any new material availabe in the market
  • Drink lots of water
  • Don't Eat junk foods for this week
  • Eat Greeny vegetables
  • keep calm and try not to stress and revise and focus on main issues
  • Do previous years question papers and focus on the areas which they asked many times
  • No need to study Economic survey if you didn't started yet, try to download Economic survey summary or Highlights (it is said as i thought you are well aware of Basics in Economy)summary link 

All the Best